Thursday, October 30, 2014

Uganda - The End

Uganda Murchinson's Falls Game Park

Murchinson's Falls

Uganda - Arapi Market

Uganda - portraits and fishing

Ugandan every day photos

Motor bikes every where carrying anything you can think of, mattresses, goats or 4 people.

Bicyclers waiting to give people rides.

Random kids curious about the muzungus and running after the truck

Water well being built

Ugandan bird hanging out with the chickens

Trip to Uganga - the wedding

Preparing for the wedding feast 
Hauling in fire wood for the cooking

Dancers coming in before the wedding party

I recently had the advantage of traveling to Uganda to meet up with an old friend Jennifer from nursing school. We went to a wedding that lasted the entire day.  Lots of colors, music, dancing and hot sun.  I would say there were about 1000 people there, a good chunk of which were kids from the surrounding area waiting just to eat.  

Taking a break from the event