This was my crew today. My friend Kojo from work back at Bronx-leb came with his friend Mike. I also invited Carly and later Aggie sort of last minute. This group was a good group with a lot of laughing. You will soon find out why.

Our natural helmsman, Agatha

Since there was hardly any wind...well no wind...we went off to the closest beach, threw the anchor and went for a swim. We all eventually made it in the water some with a lot of encouragement. Kojo and Mike are not the worlds best swimmers. Mike however was brave and jumped in after Aggie and I, and practically drowned. Here he is hanging on for dear life to the boat.

Once we got out in the water...we realized that I never put the ladder back on since I was doing a little sanding earlier in the day. So here is GI Agatha getting back in.

After a deal with Carly that she would jump in with her cloths on...(no swim suit along) Kojo promised he would go in. Carly went in but Kojo didn't. Finally after a life jacket, a life ring, 2 fenders that float and a ton encouragement Kojo made the plunge. It was the highlight of the whole trip...not to mention the most laughing by all.

Here you can witness that it was impossible for Kojo to drown.

And here you can see Kojo getting more comfortable in the water. Kojo...for not knowing how to swim and getting in water that you can't see the bottom...I am proud to see you went in!

Mike at the helm

Kojo at the helm still wearing his life jacket

Trusty Carly

Ghana friends Kojo and Mike

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