The way to Isle Au Haut was a trying day. Full of fog as mentioned in previous post. It was intense with the visibility being about 500 feet. Moores Harbor was going to be the place I was going to throw the anchor since it had the least amount of obstructions in getting there. All day I was thinking, "God, I am OK with the fog. I am managing OK, but please, give me a little more visibility when I get to the anchorage area." I was able to see the buoys and land masses on radar and use GPS to guide me for the most part, but when getting close to land I get nervous. Request granted...saw a glimpse of blue sky, the whole bay including the large rock in the middle of it that the guide book was talking about. I made it to a good anchoring spot and threw the anchor and went to sleep.

The next day it was still terribly foggy but I had to get off the boat. I packed a lunch, hopped in the dingy and went to the direction of land (not visible at all times) and went hiking. Some good trails, lots of bubbling brooks, and full forest of trees. Eventually found "town." A dock for the ferry, a ranger house, I think there was a library/town hall, a tiny store next to the owners house selling souvenirs, and a cafe/chocolate place which was inside a persons home. Also, what was not there was cellphone signal. So there were a few worried people when they didn't hear from me for longer than usual.

These things are every where

On my way back to the boat and approaching the dingy I was met by Johanna and her 2 kids. After talking a bit I was invited to have some tea...and then dinner...and even a hot shower! Dinner was so good, spaghetti, hot dogs, mushrooms, salad, and the best...fudge and ice cream! It was a good and wholesome time with these 4 women (3 polish with great accents and one just normal person like me, all from NJ) and their 3 dogs and 2 kids . It turns out that Laura, (the "owner") had a grandfather who build this lovely home way back in early 1900's with hand tools. It is facing the harbor with a great view (with Chanty in it). It is filled with books with no end on nature subjects and identifying plants (mushrooms that we had for dinner(not the one with the slug on it)) and so on. It also has about 40 pairs of rubber boots sitting under the stairs for all its visiting family members, if you are a guest I'm sure there is a pair that fits. It has little treasures collected from the area like shells and stone and bones and even a whale vertebrae. The upper level has a bunch of bed rooms and a huge chart of all the little islands in the area. Besides the house there is this awesome boat house, a large one room area of space with more sleeping areas and mini kitchen. Not to mention a few kayaks and dingys to explore the harbor. So now with all the kids and grand kids etc. I expect there has to be some strategic planning to make sure every one gets a turn to stay at this great place. Around, well after sunset I was accompanied by the klan out to my dingy and was given a large chunk of homemade fudge and some fruit and a fruit-roll-up. I was happy.